Metron Metallurgical Services Private Limited

Expert Testing & Trusted Results

 As global leaders in non destructive testing (NDT), ASNT fosters

 excellence and innovation, empowering NDT professionals to secure

 the safety and reliability of structures and systems worldwide.


Explore a wide range of services tailored to your needs.

Ultrasonic Testing(UT)

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) is an NDT technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to detect flaws or defects in materials and structures. Defects on the material deflect the sound waves, resulting in attendant loss of energy or attenuation upon traversing the sound waves back to the transducer. The reflected beam is then recorded and analyzed to identify the presence and location of the discontinuities.

Magnetic Particle Testing(MT)

During Magnetic Particle Testing, a magnetic field is introduced to the material being tested, which causes any magnetic particles to align themselves with the lines of force created by the magnetic field. When a magnetic particle is introduced to a surface and sub-surface flaw or impurity, it will be attracted to the site of the flaw, creating an easily visible indication that the flaw has been detected. This method is quick, efficient, and non-intrusive, making it a preferred testing method for many industries.

Rebound Hammer Test (RBH)

The Rebound Hammer Test is a quick, non-destructive method to assess the surface hardness and compressive strength of concrete. By measuring the rebound of a spring-loaded hammer, this test provides valuable insights into the quality of concrete for both new and existing structures. It’s an efficient and cost-effective solution for evaluating concrete strength.

About Us

We are a passionate team dedicated to delivering exceptional results. With a focus on innovation and excellence, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and dreams.


What I Do


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What I Do

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Evaluating large and diverse portfolios

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Performing single-property analyses

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Real Estate Due

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Real Estate
Market Studies

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123 Fifth Avenue, New York
NY 10220

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